Special Maintenance List
It is ideal to perform periodical checks to prevent malfunction of the safety valve, just like a human medical examination.
by performing an overhaul on the main part.
Perform a detailed examination of the affected part, and take appropriate action for repair if there is any trouble.
Contact face of the spring and spring seat
Check whether or not the downward spring force transmits properly.
Contact face of the stem and R part of the disc center.
Check whether or not the downward spring force transmits properly.
The size and direction of spring side thrust.
Check the amount of thrust, and whether or not an abnormality in side thrust is affecting the straightness of the stem.
The condition of the contact part of the step collar and lower seat.
Check whether or not the downward spring force is transmitting properly.
< Size Measurement of the Main Part of the Safety Valve >
Measure the size of each fitting and check whether or not it is effecting the straightness of the stem core.